week 7: More puppet making.

These past few weeks I’ve been super hands on with the puppet project. It’s been so much fun, and embracing the creative project has been a learning experience.

On my last post about the puppet project, I explained the process up until the foam+plaster coating.

These past few weeks, I’ve been dedicating my time to finishing up hands and feet, and also Cloudia’s (named by October) wardrobe + head. I’ve been spendings so much time at the studio I’ve even had the opportunity to meet some second year students and have a catch up every once in a while.

For Cloudia’s clothes, I started by drawing a mold for the overalls. From this, I measured and cut some old jeans I found at the studio, and hot glued it together because I can’t sew to save my life.
As for the head, I found white fluffy fabric, tore it apart and glued big chunks onto the clouds head. When I was happy with the volume of the fluff, I trimmed it down with scissors to give it a cleaner look.

Cloudia’s shoes are made from foam I carved into a shoe shape, and proceeded to carve out the electrical connectors shape so they could fit perfectly. To attach the front and back of the shoe, I used the same technique as I did for the arms and legs: glued nylon onto the foam and coated it with molding plaster.

Posteriorly, I added some small details here and there, such as a front pocket, two rose buttons I found, rope (both on the shoes and overalls), and finally painted a heart pattern on the overalls with acrylics, with help from a stencil I designed on a piece of cardboard. With the pink left from the hearts, I gave Cloudia a little tint on the cheeks and defined her eyes with a black marker.

Cloudia is almost finished and I can’t wait to animate her and see her in action!

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