A personal rant disguised as an update

It’s been 9 days since the beginning of 2021. Looking back at 2020, I can stay it was both one of the best and worst years of my life. Not wanting to be a Negative Nancy, more inclined towards the negative side.

Of course Covid affected everyone’s lives severely and I can’t begin to say how thankful I am I still have a home, a warm bed to sleep on and food to eat. Everyone I love it still around and in good health, and I’m privileged enough to do what I love. I was fortunate enough to have had a job that helped me move to London and start the Masters of my dreams. Of course that’s good and there shouldn’t be any ‘buts’.

…But. Covid did happen is happening, I lost my job in the midst of moving to one of the most expensive cities in the world, I haven’t seen my family for more than half a year. As an independent individual, I’ve been struggling to spend the last few months begging for help. It’s hard to cope when you can’t even hug your family. I never know what tomorrow expects. I never knew what money saving was until now. Every penny matters if I want to stay in the U.K..

All this being said, Covid is probably here to stay for a few more years and so I’ve decided to face 2021 with a more positive perspective.

I did manage to find me a temporary job. It barely pays for the bills but it assures me a month or two more in this country. University is still happening…. online, but it is. As all of my colleagues are, I’m fuming that I have to be paying 11000£ to stay at home sitting at my tiny tiny desk. But as I said, we’re being positive here.
Each day that goes by is a day closer to things becoming reasonably normal again and this is what I’m trying to focus on.

Hopefully, one day I will be looking back at this post I wrote on my uni blog in January 2021 and have a laugh with my mates at Cartoon Network. Who knows… Stay safe everyone ♥

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