Week 10: Four-legged cycles

At the start of week 10, we continued working on what was taught before Christmas break. I completed my four-legged dear walk cycle and started a four-legged horse canter.

For the dear walk cycle, I looked at Richard Williams’ instructional videos about walk cycles. This one specifically really cleared up my confusion regarding walk cycles. Beside’s these, I also looked at the classic book ‘The Animator’s Survival Kit’, also by Richard Williams, 2001.

I then decided to animate a deer since its walk cycle pattern is the same as the horse’s.

This is the final result after hours of looking at footage and understanding a deer’s walk cycle:

Following Steve’s brief on week 10, I got into reading the material he sent and studying horse canter cycles. I found some good footage on National Geographic ‘s youtube channel.

The slow motion footage truly makes a difference on understanding the legs’ motion.

It’s still a work in progress but I will be posting videos of it.

I found it quite complicated to re-adapt the rhythm of online lectures. I much preferred the studio ambience but obviously times are hard and adaptation is key.

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