Festival Idents

Today we had the honour to hear Shelley Page on pitching for animation. She was so lovely and provided us with so many useful tips for our upcoming Unit 2 LIAF group project.

During the talk, I noted down some idents I really enjoyed watching. Unconsciously, I picked two films produced by Gobelin’s students.

As a Brazilian-Portuguese, this particular one really resonated with me. The playing outside with rolled up socks for a ball, the playing barefoot outside, the Brazilian funk soundtrack, the vibrant colours of Rio de Janeiro. This one made me smile!

Gorgeous film! Amazing colours, stupendous representation of the São João holiday celebrated in Brazil. Find it incredible how they portrayed so much in 45 seconds, without it being overwhelming. Also love the ancestral motives represented by this sort of parallel universe. The film above reminds me of this other two amazing films I’ve watched a few months ago, also made at Gobelin’s. Stunning films.

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