Week 1: Blog, day 1

On the second day of this new academic journey that is a Masters Degree, I’ve been told to start a research journal.

On that exact moment, an eruption of ideas happened in my mind on what to write about: brief critical essays about animated series I’ve been binge watching during lockdown to get my mind off the mess the world has turned to; my experience as a newly unemployed graduate looking for a job that’ll pay the fortune that is my tiny London shared flat; the amount of time I spent looking at animation studios’ careers pages and then realising my mere Bachelor of Arts won’t do anything for me;… or something a bit lighter such as my favourite art movement, beautiful art I like to look at, animated series that make me chuckle or films that have had a big impact on the individual I am today.

I’m pretty sure this blog will be mix of both. It’ll be an attempt to organise my miscellaneous thoughts into useful pieces of information I can look at in the future and maybe pat myself on the back for.

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